awwww...poor little guy! :( Hope he heals up nice and quick!
Oh, no...poor thing. But to boys I bet it's more cool than anything.
I hope he is feeling better. My older sis broke her ankle when I was about 14 and while she was staying with us my little sis and I helped her. But it got to a point that we were fighting about whose turn it was. What great sisters we are!
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awwww...poor little guy! :( Hope he heals up nice and quick!
Oh, no...poor thing. But to boys I bet it's more cool than anything.
I hope he is feeling better. My older sis broke her ankle when I was about 14 and while she was staying with us my little sis and I helped her. But it got to a point that we were fighting about whose turn it was. What great sisters we are!
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